
Buy sims 3 ambitions amazon
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They're super predictable and there's only about 5 cases including in Ambitions, so once you've done about 5 cases, you'll start doing the same cases over and over and over again. in order to put a case together and eventually (your sim will) solve it. Detective is interesting, you're called (or you can visit the cop shop to get a case) and don't seem to have a time limit (Maybe there is one, but I've never run out of time, even when keeping a case over a few days), and just need to go "talk to Jim Robins", "Search through Roberta Williams garbage can" etc. There's also hair stylists, fashion designers and tattoo artists, where someone needs a new look, and you can either do it for them, or be evil and make them hideous. Then there's home designers, you basically just wait for someone to call you saying they need you to redesign their house, which you're given a list of requirements and must do the best you can on a budget, so if you're one of those people who just buys the Sims to build houses, you may have a reason to stop motherloding and get a job. You'll also be staying in the fire station waiting for a fire to happen (which happens oddly often), you can also experience earthquakes, which will cause a massive ****storm of accidents to occur all at once.

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Also, no longer do firefighters use those stupid pickup trucks they did in the base game (not a huge issue, but it looks a lot better seeing them in actual firetrucks). These are okay, they can get fairly repetitive, as a firefighter, considering there are only so many houses in a town, you'll eventually begin noticing that "Hey, haven't I saved this house three times already?" and contrary to what I expected, there isn't any challenge to the firefighter job, I guess this could be a good thing, since the Sims isn't supposed to be a mission-based type of game, but it seems stupid when your Sim can just stand in the fire and casually use his fire extinguisher to put out fire surrounding him. The medical career has also been revamped, but is still a rabbit hole job, you can just engage in out of the office jobs now, like vaccinations.

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The Sims 3: Ambitions is the second Sims 3 expansion pack, and introduces interactive jobs, as well as more options for the non-interactive The Sims 3: Ambitions is the second Sims 3 expansion pack, and introduces interactive jobs, as well as more options for the non-interactive jobs, and laundry! There are basically five new jobs, firefighter, home designers (interior and exterior)/hair sylists/tatoo artists (all designers of sorts), detectives, self-employed (inventors) and ghostbusters.

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